Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Week Sixty-Seven: Salta

So first things first, Rodrigo was able to get baptized on Saturday! My comp baptized him and I spoke about the Holy Ghost during the baptism. In our ward there are 4 missionaries and the area is split in two, so the other elders baptized too. Everything went really well and Rodrigo is super happy. He was able to feel the Spirit super strong during the baptism and during the confirmation. He is going to be a very faithful member of the church. We have another baptism planned for this week as well. Her name is Nilda and she is about 65 years old, but she isn't like all the other old people here. A lot of old people here, for lack of better term, just seem to have a fried brain. Why? I'm not really too sure... but I am always surprised when we talk with her, cause she actually understands what we teach and has normal responses lol. So we are working with her for right now. All of her family are recent converts so they are helping too. 
The conference was good. I was chosen by the president to talk about the importance of working with members. He told us our assignments the day before so we didn't have much time to prepare. When we were preparing I was trying to think of a story in the Book of Mormon that I could relate to working with members. Then the story of Alma and Amulek came to mind, and in the same thought, the talk from President Uchtdorf from this recent priesthood session came to mind as well. He talked all about Alma and Amulek and how we have to find our Amuleks. Alma was a very successful missionary that needed a little help when he entered into an area that was pretty hard. He found Amulek, a less active member, helped him, then they worked together and made of of the most bittersweet stories in scripture. I talked about how we can be very effective missionaries if we follow the example of Alma. We can use the help of the members and help less active members come back to church at the same time. They don't have to be two separate things. I didn't get any feedback from the president, he was pretty busy. But sister Chaparro, his wife, said she loved the analogy of Alma and Amulek. 
Our comp studies are good. We really spend most of the time planning and talking about our investigators, who we are going to visit, and what we are going to teach. Oh and President Chaparro announced the new president of our mission. Our new president will be Presidente Juan L.Orquera and his wife Silvina Michalek. They start the first of July. They are from Buenos Aries, Argentina and he has been a stake president for the last 10 years.  We don't have too much info, but I'm sure we will get more with time. 

I hope you guys have a great week! I'll talk to you soon! Kiss the puppies for me! Love you!

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